Tutorial: Install Monkey Talk in less than 30 minutes and benefit from it

Each Android / iOS developer should use Monkey Talk, not only for testing purposes, but also to make his life easier. Each developer knows how often one must go through the same path while developing an app - so it's not just for testers. With Monkey Talk you can easily record script with repeatable steps … Continue reading Tutorial: Install Monkey Talk in less than 30 minutes and benefit from it

iOS tutorial: Send SMS programmatically

iOS is very strict when it comes to using phone capabilities in applications. It limits usage because of security reasons, so in fact, as an iPhone application developer you can't send SMS in background or listen for incoming SMS messages. The only solution to send SMS is to initiate the built in SMS application where … Continue reading iOS tutorial: Send SMS programmatically

iOS Tutorial: make call from app programatically

Making call from iOS requires just two lines of code. These will make call without asking a user, and after the call has ended, the control will not come back to your app (see how to come back to app in further section) Make a call initiated from app - (void) dialNumber:(NSString*) number{ number = … Continue reading iOS Tutorial: make call from app programatically

iOS tutorial: hide keyboard after return / done key press in UITextField

When user finished editing text in UITextField it is good practice to hide keyboard after Done / Return key press. Another way of hiding keyboard is touch detected anywhere outside the UITextField. Both solutions are described below 1. Hide keyboard after Done / Return button press To detect the confirm button press you need to … Continue reading iOS tutorial: hide keyboard after return / done key press in UITextField

iOS tutorial: Using NSUserDefaults

NSUserDefaults are meant to persist small amounts of data in Key-Value convention on iPhone (same as SharedPreferences on Android). The idea is to save some object or primitive under the key. Objects that can be stored are for example of type NSString or NSArray. These will be accessible from anywhere in your application, and will … Continue reading iOS tutorial: Using NSUserDefaults

iOS tutorial: play sound

AudioToolbox in iOS is suitable for playing short system sounds in apps (if you need another types of sounds read this). To play sound in iOS app with AudioToolbox you have to do the following: 1. Add AudioToolbox framework to your application Click on your project, navigate to Targets -> Build Phases -> Link Binary … Continue reading iOS tutorial: play sound

iOS tutorial: progress indicator on status bar

Here I will demonstrate how to show progress indicator on iPhone's status bar. It is standard user interface element, so it is self explanatory to the user and extremely simple to develop. Use it to indicate that some processing is taking place (for example network communication). This is how it is going to look like: … Continue reading iOS tutorial: progress indicator on status bar

iOS: Timer countdown implementation tutorial (including source code)

This lesson shows how to build timed periodic updates in iOS app using NSTimer. In my example I update timer value in text label. GUI consists of one label and one button. Button press starts the timer countdown. 1. Create NSTimer instance I use timer variable that holds reference to NSTimer object. Timer is then … Continue reading iOS: Timer countdown implementation tutorial (including source code)