HTML & CSS: Row with image and scrollable text having height adjusted to the image size

I will show how, using CSS only, to set the height of the text in a row so it never exceeds the height of the image, and then if the long text exceeds the height, make it scroll. The image dimensions may vary and are not known at the implementation phase. The goal The thing I need to do is: … Continue reading HTML & CSS: Row with image and scrollable text having height adjusted to the image size

jQuery: prevent copying elements from webpage

Want to prevent users copying text or images on your website? Or maybe you need to add custom behaviour on Ctrl+C click event? With jQuery you can intercept the event of copying, pasting, cutting or dragging & dropping the element on your webpage. Prevent copying In my case I needed to prevent copying images on … Continue reading jQuery: prevent copying elements from webpage

Android tutorial: Save Bitmap image on Android SD Card

Having the Bitmap or any other image, you can store it on the SD Card (or external device memory, if it doesn't have SD Card). These are File and Stream operations. Here is complete code how to do it. Note that similar way you can store any other file type as well. Bitmap Storage Source … Continue reading Android tutorial: Save Bitmap image on Android SD Card

Android: change desktop wallpaper programatically

Here is an instruction how to change desktop background on android device rogramatically by means of WallpaperManager. For simplicity the new wallpaper is taken from project resources. private void setDesktopWallpaper() { try { WallpaperManager wallpaperManager = WallpaperManager.getInstance(this); wallpaperManager.setResource(R.drawable.my_wallpaper); } catch (IOException e) { SLog.e(TAG, "Error changing wallpaper: " + e.getMessage()); } } To use another … Continue reading Android: change desktop wallpaper programatically