JSLint and JSHint helps to avoid terrible mistakes in JavaScript code

Smashing Magazine and JavaScript Weekly are reminding all JavaScript coders that there are tools to validate the code: JSLint and JSHint. Those who are accustomed to compiled languages will find it helpful. But not only those... Read Article at: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2015/02/18/avoid-javascript-mistakes-with-static-code-analyzer/

Web development done well: WordPress web coding standards

We all know that mess that grows in CSS, JavaScript and HTML files. There is no compilers as in static typed programming languages that will keep you from doing that mess bu there are Clean Code standards. The team working on files should keep common standard and follow best practices. It is a failure if each … Continue reading Web development done well: WordPress web coding standards

jQuery: prevent copying elements from webpage

Want to prevent users copying text or images on your website? Or maybe you need to add custom behaviour on Ctrl+C click event? With jQuery you can intercept the event of copying, pasting, cutting or dragging & dropping the element on your webpage. Prevent copying In my case I needed to prevent copying images on … Continue reading jQuery: prevent copying elements from webpage

Layout items in flexible columns with Masonry

In one of my projects I needed to layout photos in a grid that will place all photos most effectively with no white spaces between them. The prolem is that photos can have various sizes and proportions. The Masonry is a javascript library, easy to use that layouts items in columns. Here is how my site looks … Continue reading Layout items in flexible columns with Masonry