Where did your architecture go?

Architecture idea may be lost when system grows big. Team's role is to have architectural concepts still in mind and implement or change them according to new needs. Here is a broadcast from SpringSourceDev (which I recommend to follow - there are also another interesting concepts in their activity, not only for Spring developers).

Best iPhone/iOS programming tutorials

When I was beginning with iOS development I've collected some tutorials, lectures and beginner's guides that were most helpful for me. Here they are! I recommend studying them in particular sequence starting with top of my list. 1. Create Your first iOS app: I recommend starting with very simple Hello World! from Apple, rather than reading … Continue reading Best iPhone/iOS programming tutorials

Best Android programming tutorials

There is a lot of android programming tutorials on the Internet. Reading Android books is not necessary and seems to be waste of time. It is good to watch 10 minute Youtube screencast to dive in the topic before reading a book with details. I crawled for some valuable and short tutorials. I have my … Continue reading Best Android programming tutorials