‘Git Happens’ by Jessica Kerr

A perfect git introduction video for git beginners: The most important git concepts are explained. That will help you to understand the way how merge, rebase or branching works. Definetely a must watch - even if you are already a git user not understanding what actually is happening under the hood. That's not a magic … Continue reading ‘Git Happens’ by Jessica Kerr

SOAP request in Spring 4: Add Header to SOAP message

Spring 'Convention over configuration' routine makes it easy to implement basic use cases. But when it comes to advanced configuration, sometimes it can be difficult (see post about authenticating SOAP requests). Another case is when you need to add SOAP Header to the SOAP message. This time it is however much easier than authenticating requests. Sending … Continue reading SOAP request in Spring 4: Add Header to SOAP message

Spring website layouts SSI with thymeleaf templates

Based on application from this post, I will show how to make the MVC app containing two pages, both with the same header and footer, but different contents. I will reuse the header and footer HTML code, to avoid code duplication and follow DRY principle. What I am going to build The goal is to have two … Continue reading Spring website layouts SSI with thymeleaf templates