Spring Boot Security: Custom AuditEvent listener configuration

Security best practices requires all Authentication related events to be logged in defined format and sometimes event should be handled in special way. Spring security has its own Security Event log implementation and default repository (in memory repository) If you need to provide your own implementation you need to add custom configuration class. The class … Continue reading Spring Boot Security: Custom AuditEvent listener configuration

Android: remove confirmation dialog window

Another tutorial today is how to build confirmation dialog window. Android provides API for that. What I am going to build here is dialog window triggered by some action (button click) and react on confirm or cancel button click: 1. Create dialog's id constant This is simply dialog's ID. it should be unique among any … Continue reading Android: remove confirmation dialog window

Android jUnit test for asynchronous tasks

Android dialog is example of using asynchronous background tasks in Android. In my case it was downloading data from server and a dialog box with "Please wait..." text. Here is a good AsyncTask example, and below - how it goes in my case: AsyncTask is started in activity OnStart() along with showing dialog box Data … Continue reading Android jUnit test for asynchronous tasks