The eclipse of the Eclipse

"How would you convince me to use Eclipse instead of my perfect IntelliJ?" - the brave question raised from the audience to Mike Milinkovich, Eclipse Executive Director. His answer was: "I would not. Just use the tool that best suits you". Very good answer. You would not convince that person anyway. But you could convince other Eclipse users not to switch to IntelliJ. Including me. I see no vision, no courage to respond to the market change, no will to be best, better than the competition. Do I want to be a part of this?

Eclipse: Aspectj Maven plugin execution not covered by lifecycle

Maven and eclipse integration is not straightforward. There is one m2e eclipse plugin giving support for Maven itself and a lot of other Eclipse plugins to support Maven plugins used in pom.xml. One of these plugins is the org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin - the aspectJ Maven plugin. So when you use it in pom.xml and import into eclipse, you … Continue reading Eclipse: Aspectj Maven plugin execution not covered by lifecycle

Learn eclipse shortcuts with MouseFeed

Majority of Eclipse actions can be performed with keyboard shortcuts, without even touching a mouse. Using Shortcuts makes you work faster and more efficiently. But how to remember all shortcuts? MouseFeed is quite useful plugin I use. It shows a small tooltip to the user after performing some action with mouse click. Tooltip shows the keyboard … Continue reading Learn eclipse shortcuts with MouseFeed

Custom Eclipse shortcuts: Import / Export

As working with eclipse is far easier while using shortcuts, here is the way to define your own custom keys and export them. This enables using them in every eclipse instance you use.   Define custom shortcut 1. Under Window -> Preference -> General -> Keys is window to set up shortcuts. 2. Find desired command and press desired … Continue reading Custom Eclipse shortcuts: Import / Export

Eclipse Ant problem after upgrade: Could not find main class for InternalAntRunner

The error appears after calling ant build command with eclipse and it is known issue after eclipse upgrade. How to repair It is enough to 'Restore Defaults' settings of ant Runtime in Eclipse Window -> preferences. As for now it is just a workaround (the eclipse issue is still opened for it): Ensure that you have … Continue reading Eclipse Ant problem after upgrade: Could not find main class for InternalAntRunner

Eclipse: GC overhead limit exceeded

When Eclipse stops responding and displays an error message: An internal error occurred during: "Building workspace". GC overhead limit exceeded or any other related to memory limits, like: PermGen space limit exceeded It means that the oparation performed was memory-consuming (like building big workspace project) and Java was out of memory. It often happens on … Continue reading Eclipse: GC overhead limit exceeded

JBoss application server remote debugging from eclipse

Eclipse and JBoss supports standard debug mechanism: JPDA. Here is how to connect both and debug web application developed in Eclipse, deployed on JBoss. Debugging gives you possibility to stop your webapp execution at any point you want - just by setting breakpoints in eclipse, that works just like breakpoints in standalone apps - stops … Continue reading JBoss application server remote debugging from eclipse