Outbox Pattern: When Simple API call is not enough

My presence on IT conferences is supported by the next presentation! Still have a lot of energy to share and experience being on the stage! How many times you were struggling and beating your thoughts on whether to implement simple sync API call or to make it more robust? Take a look at my presentation … Continue reading Outbox Pattern: When Simple API call is not enough

About Modularized Monolith – my newest Conference speech

Is the Monolith a modern Architecture pattern? Yes, but a Modularized one - where you can benefit from separation of domains and don't have to distribute deployments unless this is necessary. I find the skill of building Modularized Monolith as important as building Microservices and Serverless. That's why I decided to prepare a presentation with … Continue reading About Modularized Monolith – my newest Conference speech

Is that you who attacks my system? Watch my presentations!

We need more knowledge sharing on security topics - that's for sure. We, as developers, need to know what threats await for us in the open Internet where our system exposes Login APIs. I don't mean here general threats from OWASP. I mean specific attacks with detailed analysis and guides. You don't often find this … Continue reading Is that you who attacks my system? Watch my presentations!

Speaking at Confitura and JDD

World class conferences in Poland - Confitura and JDD - hosted me as a speaker. Both are important events. JDD was so special because I was there as a selected speaker from Warsaw JUG to take part in JUG Master contest. Didn't win, I must admit, but anyway - It was fun :) and this … Continue reading Speaking at Confitura and JDD

Speaking at Devoxx Poland!

Devoxx Poland is the biggest and the greatest Java conference in Poland. Since its beginning I missed only one edition. And this year was special as I joined it as a speaker! Being selected as a speaker is a truly meaningful fact. Proving that what I have to say is interesting for the event at … Continue reading Speaking at Devoxx Poland!

Speaking at Warsaw Java User Group

I was speaking about automated tests: unit and integration testing approach. See description here: https://www.meetup.com/Warszawa-JUG/events/258813049/  It was a very good meeting! The room was full and we had interesting discussions during that evening. Video is here (in Polish) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7vfW3DpZvU And materials (slides + source code) here: https://github.com/yacekmm/testingDemoÂ