
karomile.com was supposed to be a simple in a design but rich in content. This is a karomile's photo site developed by me, according to her concept and design. After the PayTogether Android app, this is another project in my portfolio - web development is my skill as well (also in much more advanced designs, responsive … Continue reading karomile.com

HTML & CSS: Row with image and scrollable text having height adjusted to the image size

I will show how, using CSS only, to set the height of the text in a row so it never exceeds the height of the image, and then if the long text exceeds the height, make it scroll. The image dimensions may vary and are not known at the implementation phase. The goal The thing I need to do is: … Continue reading HTML & CSS: Row with image and scrollable text having height adjusted to the image size

JSLint and JSHint helps to avoid terrible mistakes in JavaScript code

Smashing Magazine and JavaScript Weekly are reminding all JavaScript coders that there are tools to validate the code: JSLint and JSHint. Those who are accustomed to compiled languages will find it helpful. But not only those... Read Article at: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2015/02/18/avoid-javascript-mistakes-with-static-code-analyzer/

Tomcat – Java.Lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen Space

If you see this, it means that your Tomcat server has not enough memory assigned for its Java Virtual Machine. In a default configuration Tomcat even does not declare to require much momory. on my Windows 7 64-bit machine it was 86 Mb. Using tips below you can adjust available memory as you need. How to … Continue reading Tomcat – Java.Lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen Space

Configure SSL/HTTPS on Tomcat with Self-Signed Certificate

Regarding security, the https with SSL is a minimum requirement. Moreover it has relatively low cost in implementation. Thanks to it your transport layer will be encrypted, preventing sniffing and main in the middle attack. Thanks to it your server validity will be verified with a certificate (In this tutorial I will use self-signed certificate. … Continue reading Configure SSL/HTTPS on Tomcat with Self-Signed Certificate

Scalable and modular CSS

CSS can be a mess. It needs to have standards and rules to avoid a mess. Here is a good speech with recomendations to follow: http://denisejacobs.com/speaking/talks/scalable-modular-css-ftw/ Remember also about the css standards developed during the years of practice in wordpress. I mentioned them here: https://looksok.wordpress.com/2014/10/11/web-development-done-well-wordpress-web-coding-standards/