Online coding courses on CodeAcademy and CodeSchool

Coding is not to be learned by reading books and knowing theory, but by coding in practice. There are coding courses on these sites, however the real experience can be gathered on interactive coding lessons when you learn by doing coding.

Sites that have it are CodeAcademy (free) and CodeSchool (free trials, paid when accessing more courses).

How does it work?

The idea is to code during course. User gets short instructions and explanations and can write code to see how it really works. When something gone wrong with his code, he is instructed how to fix it. The learning windows looks as follows:

My progress 

I am running the CodeAcademy courses on JavaScript, HTML & CSS and jQuery. Although I started using these technologies some time ago, it was good to neaten my knowledge. I have to admit that JavaScript course starts with basics, so the interesting part started after passing 50% of it :) Here is my current progress right now:


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